Journal & Midland Counties General
Advertiser 5 May Members of
the KCC, met for the first time this season on the 1st inst. The ground
which they
play (which belongs to the worthy Rector the Rev.
E. S.
Bathurst) has been
much improved
during the winter, and some good sport may be expected this season. The
club consists
of many of the farmers, as well as the tradesmen and the working
Journal & Midland Counties General Advertiser, 7 July
A match was played at Kibworth on Wednesday the 28 inst., between
eleven of KCC
and twenty-two who
were not in the
club, ten of whom were boys belonging to the parochial school. The match excited great
interest, and caused many to assemble to witness the play between the
men and boys. The latter scored
56 in the two innings, and the club only 37, which amazingly caused
much amusement.
After the game was over the players all assembled at the house of Mr. C. Watts,
the Old Swan, where a scrumptious
supper was repaired for them. We hear that the boys are ready to play
the men again as
soon as they are willing.
Leicestershire Mercury, 16 September A
cricket match was played at this place on Tuesday, the 12th inst., between
eleven of Kibworth and eleven from Wistow, Newton, &c. Amongst these
were—Messrs. H. and J. Halford, Kebbell, Pell, Vow, &c. There was some good
play on both sides. The Kibworth fielded well, and ate getting good players.
The Rev. E. S. Bathurst scored 75, which was more than the ether party scored
in both innings