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  Played 10     Won 7

The Leicester Chronicle Saturday, January 10, 1874;


Leicester Mercury 2 June    Whitsuntide. Their was a large influx of visitors for the annual feast, the business for several days was demolished entirely, or suspended, except for the Publicans. The Cricket Club also selected Monday for trying their strength with a Leicester Club, and the Team, although playing in a very plucky manner, contrived to come off “second best”, but to their credit, be it said, they appear by no means disappointed by the result of the contest, but seem rather inclined to fresh efforts, and renewed exertions thereby. There is apparently a considered deal of latent talent in the Kibworth Club, and practice and perseverance will doubtless ere long, so develop that talent as to bring again to Kibworth its justly earned, though now long lost prestige for the cricket, again render it what it once was - namely, a formidable opponent for any Village in the County.



Leicester Chronicle and the Leicestershire Mercury     Saturday, July 18, 1874


The Leicester Chronicle      31 Oct    Cricketers' Dinner. - On Monday last, the members of the Tradesmen's Cricket Club wound up the season by dining at the Coach & Horses Inn.