Played 14 Won 13
Northampton Mercury 17 April very pleasing and interesting entertainment was given the
Village Hall, on Mondaj evening last, the 12th instant party of the young
gentlemen in the school of Mr. Kirby' of Smeeton, for the benefit of the
cricket club.
Northampton Mercury 22 May KIBWORTH. Cricket. —The opening match was played on Monday
last, between 11 and 22 the latter beating
The Leicester Chronicle 12 Jun
The Leicester Chronicle 19 Jun
Stamford Mercury - Friday 10 September 1875
The Leicester Chronicle 11Sep The old
cricket club, when in its polemist day, was considered able to cope
successfully with nearly any
club in the county, in as much as it once passed through an entire season
without the loss of a single
match. The present club, although yet in its babyhood, and in many respects
much less pretentious
than the one long since defunct, has already proved itself a sturdy opponent
for several stronger
clubs, and the Kibworth players, though having engaged in many contests this
season, and numbering
amongst them the Mkt. Harborough and Billesdon clubs, have not at present
sustained a single
defeat. Thus the existing club appears in a fair way for gaining the prestige
so legitimately earned by its
Leicester Chronicle October 30