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  Played 11      Won 7

Leicester Mercury          2 Feb      Cricketers Soirée. The members of the cricket club gave their annual soirée at the Village Hall, on Monday evening, which as usual was a great success. Eighty persons sat down to tea, after which a  musical entertainment [names stated] was given, after which dancing was then engaged until the early hours.

Leicester Mercury          26 May  The first Athletic Sports at the Village took place on the Kibworth Cricket Ground on Tuesday.  Although the annual fete was associated with the Cricket Club, the event was under the auspices of  the Wigston Athletic Club - indeed was got up by that society. An efficient Band from Wigston was in attendance. Over a thousand persons attended. Refreshments were supplied by Mr. C. E. Bolton of the C & H Inn. [A long report followed, with the names and winners of each event.]

Leicester Mercury           20 June  A cricket match, played at Kibworth on Saturday 14 June, between the KCC and Wanderers Cricket  Club. The scores were:- Wanderers 129, Kibworth 68. Team in order of batting were:- Underwood, Knapp, Gamble, Williams, Branston, Bolton, Bromley, Mason, Grant, Austin & Green.

Leicester Mercury           19 Oct    he Annual KCC Dinner took place at the C & H on Saturday evening. Mr. Loveday presided, and called on the Sec. Mr. Jos Bolton to give the financial statement. He stated that in the financial sense, they had a most successful season, but not so in the matches, they had played stronger teams, while losing several members. Receipts for the year were £29-1s-8d. Expenses £24-6s-0d., and the balance in hand was £4 15s 8d, which was over £2 in excess of last year. They paid £12., for the use of the field, but next year they would have to pay no more than £4. The Chairman proposed the toast  “Success to the Kibworth Cricket Club.” The Ass. Sec. was Mr. T. Branston, Captain was Mr. F. Underwood, Treasurer, Mr. J. Garratt.