1st XI
Committee Meetings
Whist Drive
Feast Dance
Qualified Averages
Annual General Meeting held in the village hall (Bottom Room) on Friday
8th March 1940
Present: Canon H. J. T. Eacott in the chair.
Iliffe, S. Iliffe, A. Timson, A Muggleton, C. Berry, W. Garner, E.
Arnold, T. H. Lewis, G. Patrick, A. Smith
In a few opening remarks, the Chairman asked that a message should be
taken to G. Iliffe - a playing member who was undergoing a critical
time in hospital - to say how pleased
the meeting was to hear of his slight improvement.
The minutes of the previous annual general meeting were read, confirmed
and signed.
A letter of apology for absence from Mrs lankaster - for Mr Lankaster -
and a message of apology from Mr F. J. Loveday were acknowledged and a
letter of thanks for wreath
and attendance at the funeral of Dr C. E. Marriot were read.
The Hon. Secretary, in introducing E. W. Welton as Hon. Treasurer,
informed the meeting that, at a meeting on July 18th 1939, the General
Committee had accepted with regret
the resignation of the late Hon. Treasurer - S. W. Iliffe - owing
to business reasons - and had at the same meeting appointed the present
treasurer in his place.
In presenting the accounts of the season 1939, the Hon. Treasurer
pointed out the generosity of several people in helping him at a
difficult time. He asked the meeting to note that
no payments had been made to the umpires and scorers; that Mr Maxwell
had reduced his charges for mowing and had given back a handsome
subscription; and the caterers had
seen fit to wave their claim for cost of teas for cancelled matches.
Questions re. Income Tax and big increase in petrol costs were answered
The chairman suggested that the meeting owed a debt of thanks to the
people specifically mentioned by the Hon. Treasurer and no less to the
latter for the efforts he had taken to obtain
a satisfactory balance sheet.
Proposed by T. H. Lewis and seconded by W. Garner that the statement of
accounts for the season 1939 showing a balance in hand of 12/6½
d be passed as presented - Carried
The next item before the meeting was "the position of the club during
the coming season".
The Hon. Secretary stated that he thought a curtailed set of fixtures
could be obtained and that there would be definitely twelve players
still in the village during the coming season.
A lengthy discussion on the financial side followed.
Finally, after each item on the balance sheet had been considered, it
was discovered that, in spite of the fall in subscriptions etc, there
would be a saving of something like £50 in the
payments for the coming season. Included in this amount was a £10
reduction in the seasonal rental of the field. The Hon. Treasurer
explained that he had visited the owner of the field,
had discussed the position of the club with her, had suggested that it
would be impossible to carry on the club unless there was a reasonable
reduction in the seasonal rental and had
received a letter from the owner in which she stated that she was
agreeable to a £10 reduction. This, furthermore, suggested that
there might be a possibility of a reduction in rates also,
and he had therefore sent in a form to the rating committee stating our
Questions re. the Bowl's Club + rates and insurance were left in the
hands of the General Committee.
Proposed by T. H. Lewis and seconded by E. Arnold that in view of these
reasonably satisfactory circumstances, the club continue to carry on. -
Carried unanimously
Election of Officers for the coming season.
President - Canon H. J. T. Eacott
T. H.
E.W. Welton
Vice-Presidents - en bloc with the
addition & deletions
E. W. Welton
C. W. Berry
Captain - E. W. Welton
S. W. Iliffe
C. J. Iliffe
Vice-captain - C. J. Iliffe
E.W. Welton
C. W. Berry
General committee - en bloc omitting
J. Iliffe
& R. Palmer - the
committee to
have power to add
Welton C. J. Iliffe
Hon. Secretary - A. S. Bolton
C. Garner E.W. Welton
Hon. Treasurer - E. W. Welton
A.S. Bolton
S.W. Iliffe
Hon. Auditor - C. J. Mansell to whom a
letter of
thanks be sent
A. Muggleton
E, Arnold
Headquarters - The Royal Oak
A. Muggleton
C. J. Iliffe
Proposed by C. J. Iliffe and seconded by C. W. Berry that a hearty vote
of thanks be accorded Mrs J. R. Goodey for the encouraging assistance
she has given the club by a reduction of £10
in the seasonal rental - Carried
Proposed by C.W. Berry and seconded by A.S. Bolton that this meeting
accords the Hon. Treasurer a very hearty vote of thanks for the
unsparring efforts he has taken in a difficult time to bring
about a reduction in the rent and also for the careful way he has
explored other avenues whence may come further reduction on expenses -
A vote of thanks to the chairman concluded the meeting
Signed by :
Canon H. J. T. Eacott
Committee Meeting held on Tuesday March 19th 1040
Present: E W Welton in the chair, R Turner, C Berry, E Arnold, G
Patrick, A Smith, A Muggleton ( A H Bolton - although he fails to list
himself )
The minutes of the previous meeting were read, confirmed & signed.
Proposed by C Berry & seconded by E Arnold that the balance sheet
for the whist drive & dance held on March 2nd 1940 showing a
balance in hand of £7-9-3 was passed as presented.
The secretary was asked to see if Nibloe's would be willing to provide
us with transport occassionally.
It was decided that the secretary should see Mrs Smith as to whether
she would be able to carry out catering arrangements for the coming
season and failing in that to see Mrs Badcock.
In view of the excellent service given by Mr G Maxwell in mowing the
pitch in previous seasons to ask him again to do the mowing. The
secretary was also asked to write to the area
controller at Nottingham to make an application for petrol.
It was suggested that the secretary should make enquiries as to whether
the small Council roller was in the vicinity with a view to using it
for rolling the pitch as last season.
Proposed by A Muggleton & seconded by E Arnold that A Smith be
appointed umpire for the coming season.
Proposed by C Berry & seconded by A S Bolton that W Lee by
appointed scorer for the coming season.
The appointment of the selection committee was left in abeyance.
Proposed by R Turner & seconded by C Berry that T H Lewis be
co-opted as a member of the general committee.
It was decided that an enquiry should be made by the treasurer as to a
possible reduction in the insurance for the motor mower.
Signed by:
E W Welton
Committee Meeting held on Tuesday April 16th 1940
Present: E W Welton in the chair, A Muggleton, G Patrick, C Berry, A
Smith, E Arnold, T H Lewis ( A H Bolton - although he fails to list
himself )
The minutes of the previous meeting were read, confirmed & signed.
The secretary reported on enquires he had made re. transport, catering,
mowing & rolling. He was asked to get prices for all away matches
from Nibloe's and also ask for a price for mowing
from Mr Maxwell.
A letter from the LCCC asking for our continued support was passed
round. It was decided to leave this matter in abeyance.
The Hon. Treasurer then reported on enquiries he had made concerning
renewal of insurance policies. After discussion it was decided to take
out policies for workmen's compensation &
3rd party risks as well as for fire.
It was decided that a start should be made on the ground the following
Signed by:
E W Welton
Committee Meeting held on Tuesday April 30th 1940
Present: E W Welton in the chair, C Berry, A
Smith, E Arnold ( A H Bolton - although he fails to list
himself )
The minutes of the previous meeting were read, confirmed & signed.
The Hon. Treasurer gave a further report on insurance matters concerned
chiefly with possession & ammendment of policy.
The following members were elected to the general committee: S Iliffe
& V Lee
The selection committee was appointed as follows; T H Lewis, G Patrick,
S Iliffe, V Lee, G Iliffe, A Smith
Signed by:
E W Welton
Committee Meeting held on May 21st 1940 @ Royal Oak
Present: E W Welton in the chair, V Lee, G Iliffe, S Iliffe, T H Lewis,
The main business was to consider the resignation of the Hon. Secretary
Mr A S Bolton he having been called up for active sevice. Mr T H Lewis
was asked to take up the duties, pro tem,
and on his consenting Mr Lee proposed and Mr Patrick seconded he
appointed Hon. Sec during Mr Bolton's abscence.
Mr Lee proposed and Mr S Iliffe seconded a very hearty vote of thanks
be accorded Mr Bolton for his work during the past several seasons -
carried unanimously
The minutes of the previous meeting were duly read and signed
Signed by:
E W Welton
Committee Meeting held on October 11th 1940 @ Royal Oak
Present: E Welton in the chair, E Arnold, A Smith, G Iliffe, C T
Iliffe, T H Lewis
Minutes of the previous meeting were read & signed.
A report made by the Hon. Sec. re. his attendance at a meeting of the
assessment committee of the Market Harborough rural area when our
appeal for a reduction in the assessment of the
cricket field & pavilion was heard - result a reduction from
£18 gross, £16 rateable to £12 gross, £11
rateable was made.
It was decided to hold the annual feast dance as usual & on the
proposition of Mr T H Lewis sec by Mr E Arnold it was unanimously
decided the proceeds be handed to the British Legion
fund for the (illegible) of parcels of comforts to the men of Kibworth
seving with the colours. Price of admission to dance 1/3
The Sec. was instructed to obtain a price for the repainting of the
pavilion roof & that of the storage hut.
Signed by:
E W Welton
Committee Meeting held on December 17th 1940 @ Royal Oak
Present: E Welton in the chair, E Arnold, A Smith, G Iliffe, T H
Minutesof the previous meeting were read & signed.
The balance sheet of the annual feast dance was presented & passed
showing a net profit of £3:1:3d which amount was handed to the
secretary of the British Union League Fund for providing
parcels of comfort to all those from Kibworth serving in HM forces.
It was decided to hold the usual Christmas Whist drive and dance in the
village hall and arrangements were put in hand with Mt E Welton as M.C.
of the whist drive and Mr E Arnold M.C. of the dance.
Canon Eacott to present the prizes
Signed by:
E.W. Welton
Whist Drive

Feast Dance