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1st XI                                                      Committee Meetings                                          
                                                                FJ Loveday funeral
                                                                Whist Drive

Qualified Averages

Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting held in the village hall 28th March 1941

Present: Canon H. J. T. Eacott in the chair.
              S.W. Iliffe, A Smith, Geo Iliffe, E Arnold, C Iliffe, C W Berry, E. W Welton (Treas), T H Lewis (Sec)

A letter of apology was recieved from R G Watson

The minutes of the last AGM were duly read, confirmed and passed, proposed by C W Berry, seconded by E Arnold

The Hon Treasurer Mr E W Welton presented the balance sheet for 1940 showing a balance in hand of £10:7:10½ after placing £10 in the motor mower repair fund. This was
considered to be very satisfactory and on the proposition of Mr C W Berry seconded by Mr A Smith the accounts were passed.

The election of officers for the ensuing season followed resulting as under;

President: Rev Canon H J T Eascott (Prop by S W Iliffe, Sec by E Arnold)
Vice Presidents: Re-elected with the necessary deletions through death and removal during the past year. (Prop by C W Berry, Sec by C Iliffe)
General Committee: A Muggleton, G Patrick, R Turner, C W Berry, A Smith, E Arnold, V Lee, Geo Iliffe, C R Berry, D Oram
Captain: E W Welton (Prop by S W Iliffe, Sec by C W Berry)
Vice Captain: C Iliffe (Prop by E Arnold, Sec by A Smith)
Hon Secretary: T H Lewis (Prop by C W Berry, Sec by E Arnold)
Hon Treasurer: E W Welton (Prop by Canon Eascott, Sec by S W Iliffe)
Hon Auditor: C J Mansell

The chairman made suitable reference to the death of Mr F J Loveday at the age of 80 years. A lifelong enthusiastic supporter of KCC he was for over 50 years its Hon Secretary.
A wreath was sent from the club which was represented at the funeral by Mr T H Lewis, its present secretary and old time collegue of Mr Loveday. A letter was read from his widow
"thanking all of the members for the flowers and kind sympathy shown in her bereavement". As a mark of respect the meeting stood in silence for the customary period.

A vote of thanks to the chairman closed the meeting.

H J T Eascott

Committee Meetings

Committee Meeting held on February 25th 1941 @ Royal Oak

Present: E Welton in the chair, E Arnold, A Smith, C Berry, S Bolton (on leave), E Patrick

Minutes of the previous meeting to be read at the next meeting.

The death of Mr F J Loveday for 50 years the secretary of KCC was announced, he was 80 years of age. As a mark of respect the committee observed one minutes standing silence and instructed
the secretary to send a letter of condolence to Mrs F.J Loveday. The Hon Sec Mr T.H. Lewis attended the funeral representing the club.

It was decided to hold the AGM in the village hall on Friday 28th March.

It was proposed to hold the annual opening of the season Whist drive and dance in the village hall on April 5th providing a suitable band could be engaged.

It was proposed by C Berry and seconded by E Arnold that the sum of £10, from any balance in hand, be placed in the motor mower fund.

Signed by:
E.W. Welton

Committee Meeting held on 22nd April 1941 @ Royal Oak

Present: E Welton, C Berry, A Smith, D Oram, Geo Iliffe, Geo Patrick, T H Lewis

Minutes of the last committee meeting were duely read and signed also those of the meeting held on December 12th 1940

The appointment of a man to mow the ground for the season was considered, our late groundsman being unable to continue. It was left in the hands of the Hon. Sec. to make best possible arrangements.

Mr C W Berry kindly consented to again supervise the work of foreparing match wickets. MR E W Welton undertook care of the pavilion.

It was decided to discontinue the weekly meetings this season and instead to select the probable players for the succeeding match at the end of each game.

Mr A Smith, our umpire for many seasons, was unanimously re-elected to officiate once again.

The Sec reported he had in hand the necessary petrol permit for motor mower and catering permits for home matches

E W Welton

Committee Meeting held on 14th October 1941 @ Royal Oak

Present: E Welton, A Muggleton, C W Berry, A Smith, Geo Iliffe, Geo Patrick, E Arnold, T H Lewis,

Minutes of the last committee meeting were duely read and signed

To make the final arrangements for holding the annual feast whist drive & dance on Saturday 25th October. The following kindly undertook actions as follows;

Door Keepers: C W Berry & Bryan Atkinson 6pm to 8pm
                        S Iliffe, C H Iliffe & Geo Patrick 8pm to 9.30pm
                        A Smith, Geo Iliffe & A Muggleton 9.30pm to close

MC for whist:: E W Welton
MC for dance: E Arnold

The rector to be asked to present the prizes for whist drive

Whist drive to commence 6.30pm
Dancing 7.45pm
Dick Walker band in attendance

E W Welton

Committee Meeting held on 25th November 1941 @ Royal Oak

Present: E Welton, A Muggleton, C Berry, E Arnold, A Smith, Geo Iliffe, Geo Patrick, T H Lewis

Minutes of the last committee meeting were duely read and signed

To make arrangements for the annual Christmas whist drive and dance to be held in the village hall on Saturday 20th December 1941

It was decided to give voucher prizes as at the previous whist drive and also arrange for a raffle to be held in the hall. The rector to be asked to distribute the prizes. Whist drive to commence at 6.30pm
Dancing to follow.

The following kindly agreed to act as stewards etc;
Mr E W Welton  M C for whist drive
Mr E Arnold M C for dance
Stewards: Messrs C W Berry & Bryan Atkinson 6pm - 8pm
                            S Iliffe, C H Iliffe & Geo Patrick 8pm to 9.30pm
                            A Smith, Geo Iliffe & A Muggleton 9.30pm to close

Mr Welton read the balance sheet for the feast whist drive & dance which showed a profit of  £9:9:1d. also a preliminary report upon the general club balance sheet for season 1941 disclosing a very
satisfactoty financial position.

The secretary was instructed to have the motor mower thoroughly overhauled by the Regal Garage Co Mkt Harborough

E W Welton

FJ Loveday Funeral

Whist Drive

Market Harborough Advertiser and Midland Mail - Friday 19 December 1941