Committee Meeting held on April 14th 1942 @ Royal Oak
Present: E Welton in the chair, A Muggleton, E Arnold, Geo Patrick, C
Berry, A Smith, Geo Iliffe, T H Lewis (Hon sec)
Minutes of the last committee meeting were read and signed
Sec reported on arrangements so far made and prospects of team raising
in fulfilment of engagements & fixtures made for coming season,
also that Mr Waterfield (Junior) had again very kindly offered
the use of a horse & (illegible) to roll the ground. The motor
mower was reported to be in the hands of the Regent garage Co, Mkt
Harborough for repairs, since last November, & it is promised for
return by April 21st.
The sec read a note from Mrs E V Phillips thanking the Kibworth Cricket
Club members for their kind sympathy in her sad bereavement and for the
lovely flowers. He mentioned further, since the reciept of this note,
Mrs Phillips had also passed
away so in the short space of one month the club had lost two
enthusiastic supporters.
A general discussion on club matters followed and the Sec promised to
give attention to suggestions made.
Signed by:
E.W. Welton
Annual General Meeting held in the Village Hall on Friday April 17th
Present: Rev Canon H J T Eacott m.a. (presiding in the chair), Messers
H Maxwell, R Turner, S Bolton, Les Iliffe, C Berry, A Smith, E.W.
Welton, T H Lewiis (Hon Sec)
An apology for non attendance was recieved from Mr J.E. Elliott
The minutes of last General Meeting were read, passed & signed
The accounts of the season 1941 were presented by the Hon treasurer, Mr
E W Welton showing a bal in hand of £10:1:8d. after allocating
the sum of £15 to the motor mower fund. These
accounts as usually were duely
audited by the Hon Auditor Mr C J Mansell. Mr C Berry and Mr Rex Turner
proposed that the accounts as presented by passed and this was carried.
Mr T H Lewis, Hon Sec, presented the report upon the past seasons
activities. Not withstanding the war time difficulties, the full
fixture list was carried through and a sucessful season resulted, 22
matches were played., 9 won, 5 lost, 4 drawn & 4 abandoned through
wet weather. Reporting upon the coming seasons prospects, 22 matches
had been arranged, 17 to be played at home & 5 away. Although no
less than 5 members of last seasons team had been called to the colours
he felt a fairly strong team would still be available & the
clubs engagements duly carried out.
In closing, Mr Lewis referred to the loss the club had sustained in the
death of Mr E V Phillips an old playing member and staunch supporter of
50 years standing. This sad event was followed within a month by the
death of his widow, Mrs Phillips, who was also an enthusiastic follower
of Kibworth cricket. By the proposal of the Chairman the meeting stood
in silence for the customary period: as a mark of respect.
Election of officers:
President - The Rev Canon H J T Eascott Proposer -
Rex Turner Seconded - C Berry
Vice Presidents - Re-elected en bloc with necessary deletions through
death or removal, and addition of the names F Payne & J E
Johnson Proposer - C Berry Seconded
- E W Welton
Committee - A Muggleton, G Patrick, C Berry, A Smith, E Arnold, G
Iliffe, J W Iliffe, T Illiffe, Proposed - A
Smith Seconded - S Bolton
Hon Treasurer - E W Welton Proposed - T H
Lewis Seconded - S Bolton
Hon Sec - T H Lewis Proposed - E W
Welton Seconded - Rex Turner
Captain - E W Welton Proposed - Rex
Turner Seconded - Les Iliffe
Vice Captain - C Berry Proposed - E W
Welton Seconded - A Smith
Votes of thanks to the retiring officers and the chairman of the
meeting closed the proceedings
H J T Eascott
9 April 1943
General Committee Meeting held on October 8th 1942 @ Royal Oak
Present: E Arnold, A Smith, R Iliffe, A Muggleton,, E W Welton, T
H Lewis (Hon sec)
Chairman: E Welton was voted to the chair
The minutes of the last meeting were read, passed and signed
Dominoes is arranged for the annual whist drive & dance on feast
Saturday in the village hall.
Whist Drive & Dance: The following kindly agreed to act as stewards;
E W Welton (M C Whist Drive and to arrange for hand bills to be drawn
up and distributed in the village, Also to procure tickets for dance.
Doorkeepers: C B Berry & B Atkinson 6pm to 8pm
Iliffe, Geo Patrick, E J Iliffe 8pm to 9.30pm
Smith, Les Iliffe, A Muggleton, 9.30pm to close
M C Dance: E Arnold
The Heom (approx) bank has been engaged
Prizes: The Rev Canon Eascott, President of the club, to distribute
It has been decided to hold a raffle for a bottle of Whiskey which the
Hon Sec has promised to secure.
Refreshments will be provided by Mrs Badcock the Newtown Bakery
Signed by:
Derek Iliffe
General Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 1st December 1942 @ Royal Oak
Present: Mr D Iliffe (Chair), Messers A Muggleton, G Patrick, C W
Berry, A S Bolton, A Smith, E Arnold, R Palmer, T A Sedgley &
E W Welton (Hon Tres)
Owing to the indisposition of Mr T H Lewis the Hon Treas took over the
secretarial duties.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, and confirmed
The Hon Treasurer the presented the balance sheetof the Whist drive
& Dance held on Sat 24th Oct 1942, showing a profit of
£17.8.2. On the proposition of C W Berry
seconded by A Smith, this was passed as presented.
Arrangements for the Whist Drive & Dance to be held on Saturday
20th December were then made. The Hon Treasurer proposed that the
profits be shared equally
between the cricket club and some war charity, and after discussion, Mr
Berry proposed and Mr Arnold seconded, that the British Legion
Christmas Parcels Fund
should recieve a half share, This was carried.
The following kindly agreed to act as stewards etc;
E W Welton - MC for whist
A Muggleton - MC for dance
Door: C B Berry & B Atkinson 6pm to 8pm
Iliffe, G Patrick,8pm to 9.30pm
A Smith,
G Iliffe, E Arnold, 9.30pm to close
Mr D Iliffe to act as checker in the hall, and Mr T A Sedgley to assist
with the raffles.
It was decided to run a raffle for a bottle of whiskey and 50
cigarettes (to be obtained by Mr D Iliffe).
The Hon Treasurer undertook to obtain bills, construct an advert in
'The Midland Mail', obtain scorecards, raffle books and floor polish,
arrange with Mrs Badcock
to provide refreshments and invite the President, Canon H J T
Eascott to present the prizes.
The Treasurer reported that he had given permission for a Prize Draw in
aid of the Prisoner's of War Fund, to be drawn at the Whist Drive
& Dance, and his
action was endorsed by the committee.
A vote of thanks to the chairman concluded the meeting.
Signed by:
J W Iliffe (Chairman)

Whist Drive
Market Harborough Advertiser and Midland Mail - Friday 25 December 1942

T.H. Lewis Funeral
Market Harborough Advertiser and Midland Mail - Friday 25 December 1942
Qualified Averages